Module 1 – Law Practice and Procedure of International Arbitration
CIArb India in collaboration with MCIA is organizing the Module 1 Course. Please fill the details below to register for CIArb Module 1. The classes are scheduled on 8 March 2025, 12 April 2025, and 10 May 2025. The exam will be held on 15 May 2025. Registrations close on 28 February 2025
The aim of this course is to provide candidates with a detailed knowledge of the procedural elements of an International (i.e. nondomestic) Arbitration, using legislation based on the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law, regional Arbitration law, and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules to enable them to understand and participate in such proceedings. The course focuses on legal principles, process, practice and procedure in International Arbitration. It is therefore valuable for anyone wishing to understand this topic generally, for example as a party, party representative or witness. It is also an essential requirement for qualification as a Fellow of CIArb, and for those who aim to practise as an International Arbitrator.
What are the learning outcomes?
On successful completion of this course candidates will be able to:
Define what is meant by the term ‘International’ Arbitration;
Identify, explain and apply the legal procedural principles, rules and agreements relevant to the conduct of an International Arbitration;
The legal framework, including limitations of matters that may be legally arbitrated;
The contractual nature of the appointment of an Arbitrator;
The range and limitations of an Arbitrator’s powers and jurisdiction;
The rights, duties and responsibilities of a party to an Arbitration;
The methods of initiating and processing an Arbitration;
The relevance of the court regarding all stages in an Arbitration;
The requirements of an enforceable Award;
Evaluate and apply the principles and legal requirements of an International Arbitration;
Evaluate issues and apply the principles of the UNCITRAL Model Law as well as a regional Arbitration law, appropriately;
Demonstrate practical skill in carrying out the tasks required in preparing for and progressing an International Arbitration;
Demonstrate skill in controlling an International Arbitration, communicating effectively with the parties, applying the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and adopting appropriate procedures.
Registration Fee – INR 70,000
To register, please fill the registration form on or before 28 February 2025